Lach Yoga International
Was ist Lach Yoga?
an exercise.
We initiate laughter as an exercise in a group, but with eye contact and childlike playfulness, it soon turns into real and contagious laughter.
yoga breathing.
The reason we call it Laughter Yoga is because it combines laughter exercises with yoga breathing. This brings more oxygen to the body and the brain which makes one feel more energetic and healthy.
Laughter yoga for all.
In addition to social laughter clubs, Laughter Yoga is also practiced in companies and corporations, Fitness centers, Yoga studios, Centers for Seniors, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Physically and mentally challenged and Self help cancer groups.
a scientific fact.
The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter if done with willingness. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits.
a unique concept.
Laughter Yoga is a unique concept where anyone can laugh for no reason, without relying on humor, jokes or comedy.
When you laugh you change and when you change the world changes
Dr. Madan Kataria
History of Laughter Yoga
Inspired by articles on benefits of laughter, I launched the Laughter Club Movement in March 1995 with just 5 people in a Mumbai park.
Most people feel that if they are able to laugh naturally they don’t need to join a Laughter Club, Here are the 3 basic reasons why one must do Laughter Yoga to get maximum health benefits:
To reap the health benefits of laughter, laughter has to be loud and deep, coming from the diaphragm. It should be a belly laugh. It might not be socially acceptable to laugh loudly, but Laughter Yoga clubs provide a safe
environment where one can laugh loudly and heartily without any social implication.
Natural laughter that courses through our life depends upon many reasons and conditions,
but there are not many reasons which make us laugh. That means we are leaving laughter to chance, it may happen it may not. In contrast, in Laughter Yoga club we are not leaving laughter to chance, but doing it out of commitment.
This is a guaranteed way of getting the health benefits of laughter.
In order to get scientifically proven health benefits of
laughter, we need to laugh continuously for at least for
10 to 15 minutes. Since in Laughter Yoga we do laughter as an exercise, we can prolong our laughter as long as we want; it brings measurable physiological changes like oxygen levels in the blood, muscle relaxation, blood
circulation and release of certain hormones in the body. .